Fat Reduction

$400 per Vial

Requires multiple vials and sessions. Requires consult for exact pricing.

Best paired with “Slim Shot” IM Injections to boost metabolism.

Unwanted body fat can be annoying, especially if you've tried everything to get rid of it. With Fat Reduction injections, like Kybella, we can effectively target specific areas of the body and make the excess fat a thing of the past. Depending on the area and the amount needed to be targeted, more than one session may be required, but that will be discussed during your consultation.

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Fat Reduction Treatment Areas:

Under the Chin


Bra Fat




how does Kybella work?

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that contains a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a substance naturally produced by the body to break down and absorb dietary fat. 

When Kybella is injected into the targeted area, it selectively destroys fat cells, causing them to be gradually metabolized and eliminated from the body.

The best part is, once these fat cells are destroyed by Kybella, they are unable to form again in that area!

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